3.15.5. Arm NN and Arm Compute Library Introduction
Arm NN and Arm Compute Library, as a set of machine learning software, tools and libraries, enable Machine Learning on Arm.
For Sitara devices without accelerators like C66x or EVE (AM3/4/6), one can use Arm provided libraries created for supporting inference only tasks on Arm CPUs. Arm NN and Arm Compute Library can also be used on AM57xx devices as well, as complementary approach to TIDL-API. Supported versions
ARMNN 19.08
ARM Compute Library 19.08 Arm Compute Library
Arm Compute Library is a software library for computer vision and machine learning, optimized for NEON SIMD architecture (Mali GPU OpenCL is not applicable to TI devices). Exact list of functions can be found at https://developer.arm.com/technologies/compute-library. Arm Compute Libraries and sample executables are included in SDK filesystem. AM3/4/5/6 devices can utilize this library to unleash full potential of Arm CPUs.
Sample NN related executables (using Arm Compute Library only):
/usr/bin/graph_vgg19 Arm NN
Arm NN is library built on top of Arm Compute Library leveraging its NEON optimized kernels. Importing of Caffe, ONNX, TensorFlow, and TensorFlow Lite inference models is significantly simplified. Library and executables are part of AM3/4/5/6 target filesystem. More information can be found at: https://developer.arm.com/products/processors/machine-learning/arm-nn
Sample Arm NN executables using Caffe models:
Sample executables using ONNX models:
Sample executables using TensorFlow models:
Sample executables using TensorFlow Lite models:
/usr/bin/TfLiteVGG16Quantized-Armnn Arm NN MobileNet Demo
Upon boot, Matrix-GUI is started with multiple icons that can start many out of box demos. Under sub-menu “Machine Learning”, there are two icons to start the Arm NN demos:
Arm NN MobileNet Real Common Objects
Arm NN MobileNet Camera Input
These examples demonstrate Deep Learning Imagenet classification (1000 classes) with MobileNet model on Arm. One example uses pre-recorded real-world video clip and the other uses live camera input. The pre-recorded video clip (320x320 resolution) and live camera input (default 640x480 resolution) are scaled down and central-cropped in run-time (using OpenCV API) to 224x224. Result of this processing is standard Imagenet classification output (1D vector with 1000 elements).
Executable invoked from the Matrix-GUI demos above is /usr/bin/ArmnnExamples, and the TensorFlow Lite parser is used.
Options of ArmnnExamples are listed below:
-f [ --model-format ] arg caffe-binary, caffe-text, onnx-binary,
onnx-text, tflite-binary, tensorflow-binary
or tensorflow-text. E.g.: -f
-m [ --model-path ] arg Model Name w/ full path, e.g.of supported
model types: .caffemodel, .prototxt, .tflite,
.onnx. E.g.: -m /usr/share/arm/armnn/models/m
-c [ --compute ] arg The preferred order of devices to run layers
on by default. Possible choices: CpuAcc,
CpuRef, GpuAcc. E.g.: -c CpuAcc
-i [ --input-name ] arg Identifier of the input tensor in the
network. E.g.: -i input
-s [ --input-tensor-shape ] arg The shape of the input tensor in the network
as a flat array of integers separated by
whitespace. This parameter is optional,
depending on the network. E.g.: -s '1 224 224 3'
-d [ --input-tensor-data ] arg Input test file name. It can be image/video
clip file name or use 'camera_live_input' to
select camera input. E.g.: -d
-o [ --output-name ] arg Identifier of the output tensor in the
network. E.g.: -o MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1
--number_frame arg (=1) Number of frames to process. E.g.:
--number_frame 100.
Here is an example of classification using live camera input - stop at any time with mouse right-click on output image window.
ArmnnExamples -f tflite-binary -i input -s '1 224 224 3' -o MobilenetV2/Predictions/Reshape_1 -d /usr/share/arm/armnn/testvecs/camera_live_input -m /usr/share/arm/armnn/models/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224.tflite -c CpuAcc --number_frame 100
Here is an example of classification using video clip - stop at any time with mouse right-click on output image window.
ArmnnExamples -f tflite-binary -i input -s '1 224 224 3' -o MobilenetV2/Predictions/Reshape_1 -d /usr/share/arm/armnn/testvecs/test2.mp4 -m /usr/share/arm/armnn/models/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224.tflite -c CpuAcc --number_frame 100
Here is an example of classification using JPG image - use “–number_frame” to select the number of runs.
root@am57xx-evm:/usr/bin# ArmnnExamples -f tflite-binary -i input -s '1 224 224 3' -o MobilenetV2/Predictions/Reshape_1 -d /usr/share/arm/armnn/testvecs/baseball.jpg -m /usr/share/arm/armnn/models/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224.tflite -c CpuAcc --number_frame 10
ArmNN v20190800
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 7.57426
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.48181
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.46633
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.41803
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.3029
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.45797
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.45416
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.49093
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.33742
Top(1) prediction is 430:baseball with confidence: 69.5592%
Top(2) prediction is 575:golf ball with confidence: 0.307349%
Top(3) prediction is 474:can opener, tin opener with confidence: 0.248897%
Top(4) prediction is 884:vase with confidence: 0.196634%
Top(5) prediction is 130:spoonbill with confidence: 0.191194%
Performance (FPS): 9.4193