3.4. Filesystem
The Processor SDK Linux provides a filesystem tarball that contains programs, scripts, Linux user-space components that abstract various hardware accelerators available in the SoC. The filesystem can be built via Yocto, following the instructions Processor SDK - Building the SDK with Yocto
There are different filesystem tarballs provided in the SDK. You’ll find them at
This is the barebones images, intended to be a starting point for users to add packages and create a custom filesystem that suits their project needs.
This is a minimal system image enabled with containers to provide an environment to start the next level of complex systems up. Depending on the platform capabilities, graphics is enabled by default as well.
This is the complete filesystem image, that contains standard Linux commands and features. This also contains the TI component libraries, binaries and TI Apps Launcher OOB Demo
For keystone devices (e.g., K2H/K2K, K2E, K2L, and K2G), two filesystem tarballs are provided due to size limit of the rootfs ubi image:
tisdk-server-rootfs-image-k2g-evm.tar.gz: base filesystem image used to create the ubi image.
tisdk-server-extra-rootfs-image-k2g-evm.tar.gz: complete filesystem image that can be used with NFS and/or SD card (K2G only).
Following is a list of all filesystem images provided by TI which can be built via Yocto
Common targets are:
From meta-arago[recommended]:
tisdk-bootstrap-base-image: Arago TI SDK bootstrap base image for initramfs
tisdk-jailhouse-image: Arago TI SDK image for Jailhouse Hypervisor
tisdk-bootstrap-image: Arago TI SDK bootstrap image usable for board bringup
tisdk-tiny-initramfs: Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs
tisdk-core-bundle: Installer package for TI SDK - NOT for direct use on target
tisdk-base-image: Arago TI SDK base image with test tools
tisdk-thinlinux-image: Arago TI SDK Thin Linux image
tisdk-jailhouse-inmate: Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for jailhouse linux demo
tisdk-default-image: Arago TI SDK full filesystem image
tisdk-tiny-image: Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs
From meta-tisdk:
tisdk-display-cluster-image: Arago TI SDK full filesystem image showcasing display sharing in AM62P
Watchout for console logs while running oe-layersetup to get an exhaustive list of target filesystem images that can be built using Yocto.